Friday, May 19, 2006

little bit of this, little bit of that

Mother's day was sweet this year. Dan sent card from himself and Will, Kari brought over a beautiful orchid and I got to spend the day with my Mom. It's crazy thinking that someday I might be spending a Mother's day with by own adult child and grandchild...
Will is enamored with his Nana. Every morning when he sees her he gets this huge smile on his face and says "Hi Nana!" and then tries to leap out of my arms to get to her faster. He is such mimic these days and she has taught him so many funny little games like covering his mouth and laughing, wiping off his feet when he comes in from the deck, helping with maybe not so much games but it's cute in any case. She gets him chocolate milk and berry smoothies and makes him pancakes for breakfast and he will just follow her all around the house with this look of total devotion. I wish she and my Dad lived closer so they could do this more often with him. It's wonderful to see.
My Mother and one of my best friends totally ganged up on me last night about Will still getting a nighttime bottle and the whole sleeping in the pack and play in our room thing. They make a pretty intimidating pair when coming at you at 11:30 at night, but despite almost making me cry it's secretly kind of cool when two women you respect so much find common ground despite not knowing each other that well.
Dan will be home in one week and I can't wait. I miss him terribly.

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