Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pictures and stuff

I finished up a batch of new pictures from the last couple of months. Over this time Will and I had more opportunities than usual to have time where there was just the two of us. A day off here, a weekend where Dan was traveling there. I know this sounds kind of weird, but I feel like we've really gotten really close over that time. I mean, before he was VERY Daddy centric and now it's a little more even. It's really fun getting to know this little person...because at this age he changes so much all the time that's really what I feel like I am doing. More and more of his personality comes out every day, and he is talking so much and boy does he have a lot to say! In any case, here are a couple of my favorites from the recent batch (you can see the rest on Flickr):


Mom and Will3


Will and I also did a lot of fun adventuring with Kari over the last couple of months - she is such a great support to me when Dan is traveling. She makes up the funniest games with Will and he loves her beyond reason. So check out this picture of Kari showing of her new hair which I think is awesome and totally wish I could pull off.

Kari Pretty

Monday, April 23, 2007


So I see a pattern starting to emerge. Just like last week, I didn't so much sleep on Friday night. I stayed up watching my "stories" and playing around on YouTube. Until Three. Will woke up at five. Yay! We then went on an awesome picnic to wine country. Just as a side note, the Midwestern in me still gets such a kick out of saying shit like "I just took a quick jaunt over to wine country" because that's the sort of thing people in romance novels and Lifetime movies say (the 'finding a true/second love' romantic Lifetime movies, not the 'runaway teen/battered spouse' Lifetime movies). In any case, went to wine country. Will decided that this was a day he did not need to sleep. Ever. Skipped his nap and stayed up until 8:00 that night. He talked about our picnic for the rest of the day...with no nap.

Now, you would think that, hey! Since I didn't get any sleep on Friday night, I should do something about that for Saturday So I got a little more 5 1/2 hours. And then last night? again with the no sleep. I think I got 4 hours or so. So, awesome.

Today? I almost cried a few times just from the tired. And I think I fell asleep in the bathroom for a couple of minutes. I wasn't actually going to the bathroom at the time, I was just looking for someplace that was quiet for a few minutes. Tonight I am going to a fancy-pants reception/Q&A session with the Superintendent of Schools with my mother-in-law, who said when I asked her what I should wear "Oh you know, whatever you wore to work today will be fine honey. You know, no jeans or anything". Um, somehow I think the old jeans/hoodie sweater/ponytail/no makeup look I'm rocking at work today isn't quite what she had in mind. So I have to go home and get myself all gussied up. And then when I get home tonight? Totally working on this whole sleep thing. I hear it's pretty cool.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bits and Pieces

So, it's 1:00 am. I've been exhausted for two days, and for some reason can NOT get to sleep tonight. So I've given up trying for a little while. Brewed a pot of herbal tea, put on some Bach and am getting caught up on my blog reading. And I kinda realized I also needed to get a little caught up on my blog writing as well.

Will is a funny kid. Seriously, I realize that every parent says things like this and I know that I have said this about every stage that he has gone through...but 2 1/2 is a shitload of fun. He has started talking...and I don't mean one or two word sentences here or there, I mean TALKING. As a friend put it recently, whenever I tell her what Will is saying/doing she pictures him talking in all caps with lots of exclamation points. And it is so dead on. So here are some fun Will stories from the week:

1) Back when Will was still not liking me very much (last week actually) I decided to use the situation to my advantage rather than take his 2 1/2 year old fickleness personally. Dan and I were trying to get him ready for an outing and I was putting his shoes on:
Will: Daddy! Daddy Daaaadddyyy! I only want Daddy I can't stand being touched by you, you evil, mean mama. (ok, so the last part I made up)
Me: Will, is Daddy your favorite?
Will: YEAH!!!
Me: Do you like Daddy more than Mama?
Will: yah (this would have been "um, duh mom" if he was 5 years older)
Me: (slyly checking out the massively dirty diaper he is sporting) Will, do you want Daddy to change your diaper?
Will: YEAH! Daddy change diaper!! Mama no change Diaper. daddydaddydaddy!!!
Dan: Seriously?

2) Will's school was closed on Monday for "teacher training". Personally, I think they just wanted the day off...or they were meeting to see if the staff could figure out who all works there now. Because as parents we can barely keep track of who is currently employed there due to all of the staff turnover, I'd be impressed if they could. In any case, I decided to have my own "Take your Child to work day". So Will and I took Dan into work and went and visited all of Daddy's friends at work. We have visited Dan's work with some frequency so he is pretty comfortable there. At one point he was running up and down the hallway just walking into people's offices and trying to hide.
And then we stopped by my work...which we had never really done before. And Will had one of his "Shyness Attacks" where he buries his head in my neck and refuses to smile at, look at or speak to anyone. He warmed up to one of my co-workers but was particularly rough on Peter. He refused to have ANY contact with him for the 20 minutes we were there and kind of looked like he was on the verge of tears every time Peter looked at him. However, the entire ride home? "Where'd Peter go? Where's Peter? Bye-Bey Peter! BYE BYE PETER!" and then I reminded him that Peter was married to mama's friend Kimberly. "oooo, yah! Peter married Kim-bah-lee! KIM-BAH-LEE!!! Peter and Kim-bah-lee come to Will's house! Ok mama? MAMA? Come to house!!" Couldn't stop talking about it all.the.way.home.

3)Earlier this week I had a problem with one of my eyelids...nothing serious just something that made my eyelid swell up to a pretty fantastic size. So when I woke up Wednesday morning I said to Dan and Will that I was going to go to the doctor because my eye hurt. About a hour later we were talking with Will about how he was going to grandma and bapa's house today and he said "Mama going to Doctor because her eye hurts. Ouch! Kisses Mama? Kisses make it all better". You know, which made me totally melt, and holy shit that was a lot of words.
Later Dan picked him up at his parents and Will told him again that I had gone to the Dr. and that the Doctor had said to mama "no more monkey's jumping on the bed!" I love how this kid's head works sometimes.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Where I stand.

Last night I was getting Will ready for bed and we had been talking about all the cool things we had done in Arizona a couple of weeks ago when we were there. He likes to look at pictures from this trip almost every night and asks me if I "member" things that we did. So we had been talking about Arizona and he took it from there:

Will: bye-bye nana! bye-bye papa! bye-bye baby madison! bye-bye ryan! bye-bye big pool, ooh! and little car!
(looks at me)
Bye-bye mama.
Me: Bye-bye Mama? I'm not going anywhere. Where do you want me to go?
Will: Yes, mama go. Go to great-grandmas. go Arizona. on a plane.
Me: You want me to get on a plane and go to Arizona right now?
Will: yeah. now. mama go.
Me: But Will, who will take care of you?
Will: Kari.

Apparently he was more excited about Kari coming over last night than I thought.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

what you gon' do...

I take it back. It wasn't the song, it was the version.

Monday, April 02, 2007


I am kind of boring right now, that's why I haven't been writing much. I just don't really have anything to say. I've been feeling a little reclusive and a little bit anxious, although I don't really have any reason to feel either. The family is wonderful, friends are good, work Nothing is wrong, but I feel a little off. And I don't have much to say. But I figure it's kind of like working out, even if you don't feel like going you should try and go for at least 20 minutes, just so you can say that you went. Just to keep in the habit. So lucky you, you get to read a 20 minute workout post...just so I can stay in the habit.

Here is something I have seen linked to on about 3 different and unrelated blogs recently. So today I checked it out and really liked it. It's two women who live 3191 miles apart and take pictures every morning. They don't plan anything, but it's amazing how well they compliment each other. Take a look, I think you'll like it.