Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Little Man manners

We have been working on manners with Will. Dan and I are really big on the 'Please' and 'Thank you' thing. We use both phrases pretty regularly with each other, people at the grocery store, gas station, restaurants, Taco Bell...we tend to think it is a basic respect thing that seems to be getting lost in a lot of communication these days. Before we had kids and realized that there are some things you just couldn't force them to do, we both would get really annoyed by kids who don't seem to know what these words mean.

So, since Will is starting to put actual sentences together we feel now is a good time to both lead by example and prompt him. I figure if he can say "I want juice mama!" he can also say "I want juice please." We started out by straight out telling him "Will, say thank you to the cashier" and have graduated to "What do you say Will?" This works pretty well most of the time.

This morning, I brought him his milk and asked "What do you say Will?"

His response? "please thank you welcome"

I guess he wanted to make sure all his bases were covered.

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