Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kind of Blue

I must admit that my early relationship with politics was a somehwat fickle one.

Growing up, despite the fact that my mother was a total hippie who marched against the war, politics were not a prevalent subject in my household. I was a pastor's daughter who was obsessed with literature, philosophy and music. I had little time for current events.

I had a boyfriend in high school who believed Clinton was a communist. When he won the presidential election the next day I wore "communist" red in support of Clinton mainly because it annoyed the boy.

In college I made a very weak stab at understanding politics. I joined the College republicans because I thought the guy who was the treasurer was cute. When I called my mother and told her what I had done she hung up on me and wouldn't talk to me for two weeks. I called her mother and she was so proud of me she offered to send me to D.C. on a college republican field trip.

Right after college I was far too concerned with my own world to even begin to comprehend the world around me. Although, that is when I remember voting for the first time.

Then I met Dan. Dan asked me to question my world view in the same way I had been questioning my religious beliefs since my father asked me to when I was 10. Really, what did I believe in and why? Could I argue my point against someone who disagreed with me? Did I really believe in something? He helped awaken in me a world that I had stuck my head in the sand to avoid for many years. Once I saw this world I was saddened and frustrated and scared for many things in our future. But I was so glad that I was aware.

Tonight, after Will went to bed, I have spent the last few hours alone watching CNN and our local news to see the results of this year's elections. Who will control the House, who will control the Senate, which local measures will pass and which will fail. Go Blue, it's been a good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my little Emily is all grown up!