Monday, August 10, 2009

Ah sleep...

So, as I may have mentioned to just about anyone who will listen to me that Henry hates sleeping. I can't fathom why any rational person would hate sleep - but that may just be more proof that my youngest child is a little on the insane side.

I mean seriously, how could you hate sleep? It's wonderful! Not that I actually sleep - oh no. It's not that I hate sleep, it's just that I find it impossible to do sometimes. Insomnia is a fascinating thing - I would LOVE to sleep, really I would. I am so sleep deprived it's gotten funny. But on a night like tonight when my entire family is asleep in their own beds and I have the chance to sleep uninterrupted, am I sleeping? No.

It's interesting though, I have noticed that the worse my insomnia, the better Henry sleeps. See, if I were in bed, he would have been up once at least. As it is, he is sleeping peacefully in his own crib - not a peep out of him. What's been most fascinating however is that within 5 minutes of me heading into bed he is up and screaming. With the yelling - and so much screaming. How does he know? Seriously, it's a different time every night and sometimes he manages to get it in even earlier - I will simply mention to Dan that I am going to bed and he starts with the screaming. There has got to be a way to trick him though, one of these days I will figure it out. Maybe.

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