Thursday, April 02, 2009

Examples of things Will says now that I am going to miss as he gets older:

I think I do not like that tone of voice Mama. I may have to take away your book privileges.


Hey Will – I totally love you!
Hey Mama – I told you (what he thinks we are saying when we say totally) I love you too.

30 days?!? That’s like 100.
Well not really bud, 30 is a number and 100 is a different number
No Mama. I said 30 is 100. ONE HUN-DRED.

Mama!! I did not know you were this powerful a Jedi!

So, um, we are reading a chapter book at school about a twister. And Annie and Jack are in it and they try to escape to the serrerrr.

The serrerrr?

Um, yes. The serrerrrrr.

Do you mean the cellar?

Yes, that is what I said.


Aggie said...

Sigh he is already so grown up.

Kimberly said...

Well, your Jedi skills are awfully impressive!