Thursday, April 23, 2009


We have the boys in a daycare that we love. LOVE. Will used to go to a different one, but we were fortunate to be able to make the move to where they are now when he turned 3. (totally a fantastic story for another day) However, they are very organized. And not. I used to be! Really! And then the Cancer and the Baby and the Sleep deprivation and the baby and now I can't keep track of anything to save my life. I have been finding myself re-writing the same lists over and over because I can't remember where I put the last one, and I was sure there was something I was supposed to do...

Anyway, with School. They send home letters from the teacher every once in a while - with, you know, things they want us to know, things the kids should be bringing in to the classroom. Most of the time those get read by us...and sometimes not. But this week, we got one and there was a homework assignment. Homework? Seriously? Already? Not to have a bad attitude about it already, but seriously. Will (aka Dan and I) were to type up an autobiography dictated by Will. They will be sharing these with the class tomorrow - but I thought I would share it here with you. So, Will "wrote" this entire autobiography:

My Story
by Will

My Name is Will. I live in a white house with my mommy and daddy and I love them. I also live with Henry, my little brother. I am 4 1/2 and he is 1. I like to play with Henry, have light-saber fights with my daddy, drawings pictures, watching movies and having snuggles with Mommy.

The End.

I don't think it is possible for me to love this kid any more than I do right now.

1 comment:

Aggie said...

Sounds like a pretty perfect little life.