Friday, April 21, 2006

Colonel Fussy Pants

You know how they say animals can smell fear? We were attempting to snuggle with Will this morning and after much whining and several full body flails from Little Man I turned to Dan and told him that I'm pretty sure Will can smell the change about to come. He has been a bear the last couple of days...just really unsettled and VERY Daddy-centric. Earlier this week Dan went to take a shower and Will didn't notice when he left the room. All of a sudden he looked up and started searching for Dan saying "Da-ya? Da-ya?" as he ran from room to room. When he couldn't find him he backed his way into a corner in the kitchen and started crying.

Broke my heart.

One thing that gives Dan some comfort about the time away is that Will is too young to remember it later. In some ways though I wish he was a little older. At the age he is at, there is just no reasoning. I mean, when he gets scared and searches the house for his Da-ya and can't find him, how am I supposed to explain it all to him? It makes me feel pretty helpless.

Don't get me wrong, I know it is only 5 weeks and that we have an amazing support base for us here and that we'll fall into our own rhythm and that there are many people who do this for much longer periods of time...but we haven't done this before. Dan is fussy about leaving us and I am fussy about him being away from us and I am pretty sure Will is too.

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