Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Weekly round-up

Wow - it has been a crazy busy week. I keep sitting down to write something and get distracted by the phone ringing or a work email or the Little Man wanting more crack...I mean Elmo. So you will get highlight reel of my week (thank you for the idea Lee!)

1) Will has started stringing 2-3 words together and it is the cutest thing in the world. This generally happens when he wants something and the problem is the I find it so cute I end giving him whatever he wants just because I want to eat him up every time. "One more Elmo?" while holding up his pointer finger...ok. Doesn't matter that it's 8:00 at night and past your bedtime, you are adorable. "Daddy kick ball?" You want to kick the ball to Daddy? Absolutely, I don't care that he is in the shower I will get him out so you can play with him. I realize this novelty will wear off pretty soon and I will get back to putting some limits on his requests but he is so proud of himself right now I just can't help it.

2) A friend of mine had surgery this last week. She is doing very well considering the invasiveness of the procedure, but in truth it kind of intimidates me a little that she is still in so much pain. The procedure is very similar to that of a C-Section and really it was only by luck that I didn't have to have a C-section with Little Man. There is a very good chance that I will have to have one with any future children. And after seeing the pain and movement limitations she has? My childbirth experience seems not so bad - granted I had a great epidural. She has been a real trooper and I continue to be impressed with her positive attitude during all this, 'cause seriously? Ow!

3) I cut Will's hair at the beginning of the week. His hair was getting long enough to put into pig-tails...which I of course kept trying to do and Dan kept getting annoyed with. So, I have mentioned before that Little Man has very little inherent fear regarding things, right? Apparently I have discovered his first true phobia. Hair Cutting. I swear that one day we will find out that he has some freak genetic disorder that has given him nerve cells in his hair because the way he screams when I cut his hair I must be physically harming him. Nothing really compares with the terror that is hair cutting...well except nail cutting. That is a close second. After that? Nothing apparently. Running into the street? No fear. Getting separated from us by 20-30 feet? Doesn't even give a glance back. He'll even grab the scissors and try to stab himself...but cut his hair? It is like the Hellmouth opened up inside my home and the screaming of all the demons have been unleashed upon me. Fantastic.

4) At this very moment Little Man is having his very own Dance party to Cuban music in our living room. I wish I could figure out a way for you to see this because I may explode from loving him and then you would know why.

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