Monday, April 02, 2007


I am kind of boring right now, that's why I haven't been writing much. I just don't really have anything to say. I've been feeling a little reclusive and a little bit anxious, although I don't really have any reason to feel either. The family is wonderful, friends are good, work Nothing is wrong, but I feel a little off. And I don't have much to say. But I figure it's kind of like working out, even if you don't feel like going you should try and go for at least 20 minutes, just so you can say that you went. Just to keep in the habit. So lucky you, you get to read a 20 minute workout post...just so I can stay in the habit.

Here is something I have seen linked to on about 3 different and unrelated blogs recently. So today I checked it out and really liked it. It's two women who live 3191 miles apart and take pictures every morning. They don't plan anything, but it's amazing how well they compliment each other. Take a look, I think you'll like it.

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